The Best Vitamins for Recovering Drug Addicts

Caring, compassionate and strongly motivated to make a difference in the organizations I am affiliated with and welfare of the population we serve. Currently focused on advocating, educating and developing projects leveraging evidence based, real time technology to support individuals in recovery. Business professional in the Addiction Recovery and Mental Health industry for the past 26 years. Sunflower seeds are a source of protein that can not only boost your energy levels in a pinch but can also raise your dopamine, or “feel-good” hormone levels. To get more magnesium, eat dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, avocados, bananas, wild salmon, and tuna.

This deficiency can lead to vision trouble, particularly when driving at night. Liver damage, which is already an issue with significant alcohol consumption, becomes even more serious if you are not getting enough of these vitamins. It’s important to remember that seeking professional medical guidance and support is crucial throughout the recovery journey.

Vitamin C

Often, too, you’ll receive the best in nutrition while in a treatment program, but I’ve seen many people return from treatment and then struggle to maintain a healthy diet suitable for alcohol recovery. Due to decreased hepatic storage, vitamin B9 and vitamin B12 deficiencies can develop quickly in chronic liver illness. However, alcohol consumption affects the metabolism of homocysteine (tHcy) because the enzyme cofactor for the conversion of tHcy to methionine is vitamin B12.

best vitamins for recovering alcoholics

Certain vitamins can play a key role in this process, helping to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and promote overall well-being. Incorporating these vitamins into your diet or taking them as supplements best vitamins for recovering alcoholics can make a significant difference in your recovery journey. Supplements to reduce alcohol cravings can play a crucial role in overcoming alcohol dependence and staying on the path to recovery.

Vitamin D

That is, when alcohol is consumed there is an initial energy rush, followed by a severe drop in energy due to dropping sugar levels (blood glucose levels). Remember that nutritional therapy should be just one piece of your whole treatment program. To stay in recovery and live a healthier, happier life, you need to try other things.

  • Zinc can help clear alcohol-related toxins from your body while also keeping your thyroid health in great shape.
  • Minimal food intake can lead to malnutrition and vitamin and nutrient deficiencies.
  • Supplementing with thiamine can help prevent and treat this condition, as well as support cognitive function and nervous system health.
  • Canola, olive, safflower, sesame, and sunflower oils are good sources of healthy fats.
  • It has long been used as a traditional remedy for a variety of illnesses, including liver damage.
  • These minerals, vitamins, and supplements are the ones we recommend focusing on first.

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